The Burial The Burial - Reconciliation

Can you not see the price he paid for your transgressions
His life, laid down for your undeserving redemption
We cry out for the truth, but we refuse to hear it
Our hearts have been sold to the oppressor himself
A path set straight for golgotha
We led our king to his willing demise
To bear a burden we could not face ourselves
I pray the destroying angel passes over your home
For we have crucified our lord, our god
And thus, the words of the prophets are fulfilled
Delivered from the power of darkness
Our names, engraved on his hands
My god, my god, why have you forsaken him
With one last breath, he gave up the ghost
And, covered in blood, we are saved from what's within
A scapegoat for man's depravity, this was the only way
Our salvation lies in the sacrifice of the worthy lamb, jesus christ
May his death be a constant reminder
That in him, we live, we breathe, we have our being
In him, we live
In him, we breathe
In him, we live
In him, we have our being
How we've fallen
Lord, your arm's not too short to save, even at our darkest
I pray we find your heart and repent, before we perish
Let the lamb that was slain receive the reward for his suffering